
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Back and with a digital layout to share

Hello, I'm back and determined to figure out the details of this blogging thing! I'm starting off by sharing my latest digital scrapbook page I made using a new mini kit called Flower Groove that I got here at ES, by Jannylynn. I love the vibrant colors in this kit and thought it would enhance the vibrant personality of my sweet Mackenzie. Thanks for looking!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Jacinda said...

Wooohoooo! WTG Jackie! You're on the road now. Nice header, and I love your layout. When I click on your layout it takes me to tinypic or somewhere, instead of showing the large preview.

Well I've got you bookmarked now my friend - can't wait to see more.

Jacinda said...

We just got back from a weekend with our girls at the snow. Had a fabulous time. Hope everything is going well with you, and I hope to catch up with you on goober soon.