
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Some layouts

Here are my favorite layouts since I've last posted. This first one up is my darling grandaughter and a friend at a BBQ a couple years back. I used a fun new collab kit, Me and MaryJane, by Angie Kovacs and LilyAnne Taylor, a new designer at Elemental Scraps.

Next is one of my precious cat, Miley, who we call booboo. I took the photo as an example for the photo challenge I hosted this week at ES. The challenge is to get in close to your subject.

One more. This one is of the little guy. I love his attitude and this kit, A Lad's World, at Elemental Scraps and by Nikki Scott was perfect and so fun to use.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Oh my Gosh!

I can't believe how fast time flies. It has been over a month since I've visited my own blog! Here's some highlights of what I've been up to. I've lost a total of 7 lbs with 15 more to go. I'm hoping to reach my goal by fall with most of it being gone by the time summer rolls around. I've been doing strength training with weights and a sculpting bar and have reduced one whole clothing size!!! Yay!!
We've been very busy working on a huge DIY project. DH has been laid off work for three weeks and we decided to save some money we had set aside for tile and do it ourselves! YIKES! Everything that could go wrong, has... I think. We are not getting any closer to getting actual tile on the floors. I just heard dh say from the other room, 'I don't know about this'. Not good.
I've finished the ADSR which was fun but exhausting. I was burned out a bit on scrapping but I've got my mojo back now. I will show some layouts in the next couple of days. I best go now and see what our latest problem is with the floor.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day

My dh got me beautiful flowers for v-day. I was so appreciative that he didn't bring me chocolates! I went for my 1st weigh in today and after only 4 days on the Jenny plan, I lost 2.6 lbs!! Yeah, ME!!!
Today we just lounged around, I did some scrapping, got my last two ADSR challenge layouts done and two CT layouts. Hubby did the taxes. No better way that I can think of (that doesn't envolve food) to spend the holiday.
I hope everyone had a wonderful valentine's day.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Big News

Yesterday I joined Jenny Craig!! I joined on a promo 20 lbs for $20. I need to lose at least 15 lbs by the end of April and I'm feeling pretty confident with Jenny in charge. My cousin recommended the program and so far I love the foods and best of all no hunger! She joined last week so we're doing this together. I'm so excited.
Next step.....excersize. LOL, well we will see about that one.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Oh No, More SNOW!

Yesterday was ground hog day and I had high hopes that spring was around the corner. Today we are once again under snow emergency! Last week we were buried for two days under 11-12 inches of snow and ice. Thank goodness much of that had melted over the weekend because we're getting another 3-6 inches. YUCK.
To cheer me up, I'm working on my blog. While I'm here I want to show some more layouts I've recently created.
Here's one of my dgd and my son's puppy. This was created with a kit I bought at Sweet Shoppe this past weekend, Organically Yours, by Eve Kipler, Susan Bartolini, and MandaBean.
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And this one created with a new valentine kit at Elemental Scraps by Jannylynn and Juno Designs.
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Monday, February 2, 2009


I'm racing in the Amazing Digital Scrap Race for my first time! A friend invited me to race with her or I wouldn't have attempted this, thinking I'd never have time to play since I work full time. It's a team race where the teams stop at 12 different digi sites and follow instructions from each host site. There are two assignments a week with the chance to win a race prize at the end of completing each leg of the race. I can't believe we are on the 9th assignment already! It's been fun, fun, fun! Each race stop is different and some of the challenges have been easy and some have been really tough, forcing me to scrap outside of my comfort zone.
Here's my favorite layout so far.